Aseman - Esfahan

Esfahan Aseman Hotel

Felezi Bridge, Motahari St., Isfahan,

Isfahan Aseman Hotel


Travelling to the city of Isfahan is fascinating and accommodating in a great hotel overlooking the natural beauty of Zayandeh Rud River makes the trip even more exciting. Hence, the four-star Aseman hotel provides such a good chance. Founded in an area of 900 meters, the hotel with 40 meters height and 13 floors receives the guests and travelers of Isfahan offering complete accommodation facilities.


Having built according to the latest international standards, this hotel contains over 100 fully equipped rooms overlooking the spectacular landscape of the city. The hotel welcomes guests to beautifully designed restaurants and coffee shop serving different kinds of national and international cuisines, beverages and desserts in a friendly atmosphere with experienced and trained staff. Also, it includes a popular revolving restaurant offering a nice panoramic view of the historical city.

Surrounding Attractions:

The hotel is convenient enough for sightseers as it is by the side of the beautiful Zayandeh Rud River, nearby the historical bridges of Si-o-Se and Khaju and within a short distance of the city center, many historical sites, and interesting tourist places of Isfahan.

329 users have given scores
Score 3.9 out of 5

Hotel Policy

Check-in From 14:00
Check-out Until 12:00
42 Dollar Price for 1 night
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Checking hotel booking date

Saturday , Jul 27 , 2024

Sunday , Jul 28 , 2024

1 Adult

Book now to get this fantastic rate. If you book later, there’s a chance the rate will go up or the hotel will be sold out.
Best Price Guarantee
1 Change room
Single Room
Max capacity :
1 person
42 Dollar Price for 1 night
Double Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Twin Room
Max capacity :
2 person ، 1 extra beds

No price
Double Room for One Person
Max capacity :
2 person
55 Dollar Price for 1 night
Normal Suite
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds
79 Dollar Price for 1 night
Apartment Suite
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds
85 Dollar Price for 1 night
Royal Suite
Max capacity :
2 person ، 2 extra beds

No price
Hotel Facility

Hotel Facility

Wireless Internet (Inside room, Inside lobby) , Cafenet
Swimming Pool , Sauna , Jacuzzi
24-Hour Room Service , Laundry , Currency Exchange , Special halls for Seminar and Conference (Auditorium, Aftab Hall, Mahtab Hall, Baran Hall, Nasim Balcony) , Taxi Service , Sewing , Special Reception Hall for Ceremonies (Auditorium, Aftab Hall, Mahtab Hall, Mah Cafe)
General Room
Refrigerator , TV , Telephone , Tea Maker
Food & Drink
Snack Bar , Cafe , Aseman Hotel Revolving Restaurant with nice view overlooking Isfahan and Zayandeh Rud River
Safe , Elevator , Air Conditioning , Fire Alarm , Central Antenna , Powerswitch
Facilities for the Disabled
Entrance Ramp , Wheelchair
Languages spoken
Similar Hotels
hotel distance to attractions
hotel distance to attractions
  • distance to Si-o-Se Pol Bridge : 353 km and 1 meters 4 minutes drive

  • distance to Vank Cathedral : 865 km and 1 meters 6 minutes drive

  • distance to Hasht Behest Palace : 970 km and 2 meters 9 minutes drive

  • distance to Ali Qapu Palace : 356 km and 3 meters 10 minutes drive

  • distance to Khaju Bridge : 882 km and 3 meters 11 minutes drive

  • distance to Imam Mosque : 631 km and 3 meters 11 minutes drive

  • distance to Monar Jonban : 719 km and 6 meters 13 minutes drive

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