hotel booking
There are a few hotels for every city on the first page of the website and I do not know them. How can I choose one of them and get its features?
Is the information about hotels reliable? For example the photo of a modern hotel might have been put for an old one.
Hotel or Hotel Apartment: which one is cheaper and better?
There is a double room on the website but I’d like to have a king room. Which room should I choose?
How can I reserve through the website and get assured of my booking?
After booking and paying money, do I have to pay extra money such as VAT to the hotel?
Are prices subject to change? How long are they valid?
When I change date and number of nights, why does the system show tomorrow’s date and one night?
Why are prices in your website sometimes different from other websites?
How can we trust the website?
Why are not my reservation confirmed despite the point that there is a chance to reserve at the particular date?
What is the process of booking and payment for foreign travelers?
Should we buy a tour or buy hotel and ticket separately?

contact us

Tehran, Fatemi St., Hesht Behesht St., Golha St., Plak 2, 3rd floor

Customer service hotline: +989125720285

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Persiatrip Group, the most active Online Travel Agency (OTA) in Iranian tourism industry with rendering the most reliable tourism services, provides convenient online booking for hundreds of domestic hotels and plane ticket purchase with high confidentiality. The group is honored to have been granted the electronic trust symbol by Electronic Commerce Development Center of Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade.

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